Whats in a date?


Today, I am taking things a little easier and copying what was already prepared for the church newsletter. Note that it was written on 25th January, just over a week ago.


What is in a date? Today, as I write, is the 25th January. Some will find the date is marked in their diary as being Rabbie (or Robert) Burns Day. It will be seen as a day to remember the writings of the Scottish poet. Many, particularly in Scotland, will celebrate as they partake in haggis and neeps (turnips), perhaps washed down with Irn Bru (or for some they would drink the other Scottish national drink). Then, of course, there will be the bag pipes heard in the midst of it all. It is a time of celebration.

For Joan and I in our diary it is recorded as the day of the anniversary of our engagement in 1973, engaged to be married is the full term, and indication of a life long commitment that will be seen through. That is something easily hidden away in a day when some refer to engagement without any thought of what lies ahead. For us it was a pointer toward the celebration of marriage in June of the same year.

 What’s in a date? A date that is a reminder of the importance of commitment.

For some we may see something else marked in our diary, for on this date some will see the words “the conversion of Paul”. Here is a reminder of another commitment made by one who was initially known as Saul. Paul would never forget that commitment he made on the road to Damascus as he came face to face with Jesus. He was led into Damascus no longer full of pride but as a man in need of help and guidance. He was a changed man, changed for the better. He was later to declare “For me to live is Christ, to die is gain” (Philippians chapter 1 verse 21) Jesus made the difference. Whatever we may see in the date as we read this letter, it can always be a date to celebrate. Not because of a poet, or what we eat and drink, but because we have met the Saviour and trusted him with our lives. With Jesus in our lives every day is a celebration because he has made us more than “a man for all that”. We have become the Christ ones living for Jesus.

Sharing with you in the love of our Lord, as Partners of the gospel.

Blessings to all of you,

Jon Magee



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