Holocaust Memorial
This week many throughout the world are remembering the holocaust of the 2nd World war. Between 1941 and 1945 6 million jews were murdered in attempt to rid the world of the Jewish people. My dad never spoke a lot about his experiences during the war. Few of his generation did. However, on one occasion he spoke of how he arrived at Belsen and remarked that he could smell the camp before he got anywhere near the place. He could never forget the horror and the tragedy of it all, mans inhumanity to man! No doubt others had smelt the same thing and sensed the vile nature of it all, yet for whatever reason never spoke of it. Maybe it was through fear, but the horror continued. Many of us are familiar of the book called Anne Franks diary. It was the diary of a Jewish teenager living in Holland. Visitors to Amsterdam can still visit the family home beside the canal and can visualise how this was not any ordinary teenage diary. It was the diary of one who faced the tragedy of...